Blogs > Liberty and Power > Liberty and Power Represented on AHA Panel!

Feb 17, 2005

Liberty and Power Represented on AHA Panel!

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Ralph E. Luker - 2/17/2005

Barring real opportunity, David and I will interview you. The pay's not much, but the company is good.

David Timothy Beito - 2/17/2005

She is. This will be her coming out, or some I am told.

Jason Kuznicki - 2/17/2005

Ah, ok... Will do. I'd been planning to attend anyway, on the expectation that this time around I'll actually get some interviews.

Ralph E. Luker - 2/17/2005

IA remains anonymous. She will be listed in the convention program as IA. You wanna know who she is? Come to the session.

Jason Kuznicki - 2/17/2005

Boy do I feel dumb. I thought she was still anonymous.

(Though I admit I can't seem to find her real name anywhere...)

David T. Beito - 2/17/2005

Yes, I believe I am safe in saying that.

Jason Kuznicki - 2/17/2005

Does this mean we get to learn the Invisible Adjunct's identity? Or had it already been revealed, and I'm just the last to know?