Blogs > Liberty and Power > Rolling Back the Tide of Tyranny

Feb 28, 2005

Rolling Back the Tide of Tyranny

Earlier today, Mike S Adams wrote the following in his column for

Last semester, the faculty senate at the University of Alabama (UA) passed an Orwellian speech code designed to restrict “any behavior that demeans or reduces an individual based on group affiliation or personal traits, or which promotes hate or discrimination.”

Anyone armed with an 11th grade education can see that such a speech code is unconstitutional. Indeed, many of the UA “diversity initiatives” such as the Vagina Monologues would be banned under such a code, if the university had any intention of applying the code equally. Come to think of it, booing an Auburn football player would be banned under the code, too. Read the rest here.

UPDATE: Robert Shibley at The Torch, the blog of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education , has a long post on this. Randy Barnett at the Volokh Conspriacy has also commented.

ANOTHER UPDATE: The comments just keep on coming. Todd Zywicki at the Volokh Conspiracy, Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit, and QD at Southern Appeal have taken note of the Alabama student rebellion.

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