Blogs > Liberty and Power > Radley Balko on "Blight Fight" in Montgomery

Sep 19, 2010

Radley Balko on "Blight Fight" in Montgomery

Radley Balko has a hard-hitting investigative piece at Slate asking why the city of Montgomery, Alabama is demolishing the homes of black residents on a major scale. More hopefully, he also discusses the interracial/cross-ideological movement which has been formed to fight it. Here is an excerpt:

Over the last decade or so, dozens—perhaps hundreds—of homes in Montgomery have been declared blighted and razed in a similar manner. The owners tend to be disproportionately poor and black, and with little means to fight back. And here's the kicker: Many of the homes fall along a federally funded civil rights trail in the neighborhood where Rosa Parks lived. Activists say the weird pattern may not be coincidence.

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