Blogs > Liberty and Power > Bush, Krugman, and the Old Deal

Mar 1, 2007

Bush, Krugman, and the Old Deal

Today's NY Times article by Paul Krugman,"Not the New Deal," gave me a few chuckles.

With George W. Bush projecting a huge federal government effort to reconstruct Louisiana and Mississippi and other areas affected by the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, fiscal conservatives are already murmuring. But little stands in the way of this vast projected increase in government spending.

As my colleague Mark Brady has asked:"Did You Really Expect Anything Else?"

A Bush critic such as Paul Krugman is busy objecting to a Heritage Foundation-inspired plan that would include"waivers on environmental rules, the elimination of capital gains taxes and the private ownership of public school buildings in the disaster areas." But he also believes that"even conservatives" must recognize that"recovery will require a lot of federal spending." Since this will have an appreciable effect on the deficit, Krugman wonders"how ... discretionary government spending [can] take place on that scale without creating equally large-scale corruption." Given the Bush administration's penchant for awarding so much pork to favored corporations in places like Iraq, Krugman is understandably concerned about" cronyism and corruption."

This, says Krugman, is in marked contrast to the efforts of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, whose"New Deal" provided"a huge expansion of federal spending" without corruption or cronyism. The New Deal, says Krugman,"made almost a fetish out of policing its own programs against potential corruption. In particular, F.D.R. created a powerful 'division of progress investigation' to look into complaints of malfeasance in the W.P.A. That division proved so effective that a later Congressional investigation couldn't find a single serious irregularity it had missed." For Krugman, FDR was committed to"honest government," because he understood that"government activism works. But George W. Bush isn't F.D.R. Indeed, in crucial respects he's the anti-F.D.R."

Is Krugman kidding me?

Throughout his presidency, Bush has looked to such American Presidents as Woodrow Wilson and FDR for inspiration. Bush believes that FDR himself"gave his soul for the process" of taking America out of the Depression and into a world war against authoritarianism.

As for the New Deal: There are no"honest government" spending programs that don't involve some kind of structurally constituted cronyism and corruption. That's just the nature of the beast. And FDR's New Deal is no exception. It was, in many ways, a paradigmatic case, no different from the"war collectivism" policies of World War I or World War II, all of which entailed using the vastly expanding power of government to privilege certain groups at the expense of other groups. Not even Herbert Hoover's response to the government-engendered Great Depression was"laissez faire" (see Rothbard's"Herbert Hoover and the Myth of Laissez-Faire" in A New History of Leviathan, and, of course, his fine book on the subject).

A cursory look at Jim Powell's recent book, FDR's Folly: How Roosevelt and His New Deal Prolonged the Great Depression reveals"why so much New Deal relief and public works money [was] channeled away from the poorest people." From its inception, the New Deal was inspired by the corporatist model of Italian fascism. Even Krugman's beloved Works Progress Adminstration was constructed on the basis of patronage schemes. Citing economic historian Gavin Wright, Powell tells us that"a statistical analysis of New Deal spending purportedly aimed at helping the poor" gives us evidence that"80 percent of the state-by-state variation in per person New Deal spending could be explained by political factors."

Mainstream politics offers no genuine opposition to FDR's Old"New Deal" or Bush's New"Old Deal," not when"conservatives" and"liberals" are united in their support for massive government intervention.

Cross-posted to Notablog.

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More Comments:

Tim - 9/19/2005

Here are a couple of book reviews discussing FDR's use of New Deal budgets for political purposes

Common Sense - 9/16/2005

Stop! By associating the New Deal with cronyism, you're giving cronyism a bad name!

More seriously, I think it is clear that the New Deal involved a lot of cronyism. Much of the legislation may not have passed without it. The Democratic Party coalition was based on ethnic urban machines in the North and good ol' boys in the South. Neither group liked the upper class Dutchman from Hyde Park personally, but if he could deliver the pork, they would be happy to feast on the roast and toast the host.

FDR's corrupt bargain with the South was especially disgracefull. In exchange for Southern support, FDR not only doled out the pork but also turned a blind eye toward Jim Crow. Even the small-government man Harding did more to help Blacks--he made lynching a federal offense.

Gwyn Wyatt - 1/9/2004

the mistake McKinley made was not annexing the philippines into the united states