Blogs > Liberty and Power > How the Conservatives Can Defeat Blair and Win the Next Election

Oct 1, 2005

How the Conservatives Can Defeat Blair and Win the Next Election

Simon Jenkins calls for"Conservative libertarianism" in London's Sunday Times.

Jenkins is author of Accountable to None: The Tory Nationalization of Britain (London: Hamish Hamilton, 1995; New York: Penguin, 1996), a telling critique of Margaret Thatcher and John Major who, even as they privatized many economic activities, centralized decision-making with the national government.

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Sudha Shenoy - 10/2/2005

Simon Jenkins is brilliant, as always. But such consistency to principles is too much for Tories to swallow: it means they'd have to _think_,for heaven's sake!!! All they really know is that they want power, too -- but beyond that, they cannot go. It'll require another Margaret Thatcher to get them back into office -- but to what end? since they have no principles ('dogmatism') & can't think anyway...