Blogs > Cliopatria > Misc.: Fri.

Jan 8, 2006

Misc.: Fri.

A fascinating site from Cal-Santa Barbara containing more than 5000 soundclips from the late 19th and early 20th centuries, available through streaming technology on-line.

Marty Peretz has a couple of great recent posts at TNR's blog, though I think he's far too charitable in his assessment of Eugene McCarthy, a latecomer to the anti-war movement in Congress and a figure whose contribution to 1960s liberalism on the domestic front was insignificant.

George Will on the NCAA's achieving the impossible: becoming more politically correct than the typical college administration.

The Fix, at the Washington Post, is my favorite political blog; interesting update on the sleeper race of the 2006 Senate contests, Tennessee. The Barone reference was first made in the 2002 Almanac of American Politics, when Barone put forth Ford as presidential material.

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