Blogs > Cliopatria > Contributing Editors at Cliopatria ...

Sep 5, 2004

Contributing Editors at Cliopatria ...

With 20 group members and 9 Contributing Editors, Liberty & Power is the largest group blog that I know of on the net. If they weren't libertarians, you'd think they were aiming at nation/state status and readying to apply for admission to the United Nations. Cliopatria has grander imperial vision, but its population will remain smaller.

Nonetheless, we are following Liberty & Power's example by adding a short list of Contributing Editors to our roster. Our initial list of Contributing Editors includes some familiar names. Ohio University's Kenneth Heineman was one of our founding group members and I introduced him here. Within our first week, Penn State's Wilson Moses joined us and I introduced him here. It is good to have both of them back among us. Two of our current group members are changing roles to become Contributing Editors at Cliopatria. Tom Palaima of the University of Texas joined us in our first month and I introduced him here. Three months ago, Mechal Sobel of the University of Haifa joined us as our first international group member and I introduced her here. We're delighted to have their continued participation as Contributing Editors.

The newcomer as a Contributing Editor at Cliopatria is in many ways no newcomer at all, but a longtime friend, Michael Kazin. Michael and I first met when he was a graduate student at Stanford and I was Associate Editor of the Martin Luther King Papers. Subsequently, he has had a distinguished career at American University, as John Adams Professor at the University of Utrecht, and, since 1999, at Georgetown University. Michael is the author of Barons of Labor: The San Francisco Building Trades and Union Power in the Progressive Era (University of Illinois Press, 1987), The Populist Persuasion: An American History (Basic Books, 1995), and, with Maurice Isserman, America Divided: The Civil War of the 1960s (Oxford University Press, 1999). His current project, A Godly Hero: William Jennings Bryan and the Rise of Celebrity Politics in America, will be published by Alfred A. Knopf. Michael's critique of Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States in Dissent recently had considerable attention at Cliopatria. Zinn and Kazin are still duking it out over at Dissent. It's good to have him with us.

Update: Congratulations to my colleague, Jonathan Dresner, who has been named an assistant editor at History News Network.

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