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John Tierney: Reagan and Obama: Pragmatism Ascendant

[John Tierney is former Professor of Political Science at Boston College .]

The cover article in the most recent issue of Time magazine asserts that President Obama sees Ronald Reagan as a role model. In their article, Michael Scherer and Michael Duffy examine how and why Obama finds Reagan's presidency instructive.

Over on The Atlantic Wire, Alex Eichler responded to this latest contribution to Reagan-Obama mania by putting the whole preoccupation under the "Cliché Watch" category -- a move that any sentient observer would have to agree with. (Type "Obama and Reagan" into "search our site" bar at the top of The Atlantic's site, and you'll see how common such comparisons on The Atlantic site alone.)

Still, as someone who regularly yields to the magnetic pull of a good cliché, I can't resist adding to the pile. To me, looking back at the Reagan presidency is a good reminder of what happens to both liberals and conservatives when they come to power. As much as the two camps may be divided from each other while campaigning for office, it's once in office that the interesting splits occur....

Editor's Note: The author of this piece was incorrectly identified as a NYT reporter. HNN regrets the error.
Read entire article at The Atlantic