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John Arquilla: Reagan Foreign Policy Ideas Still Relevant

[John Arquilla is a professor of defense analysis at the Naval Postgraduate School, where he has taught in the special operations curriculum since 1993. He also serves as director of the Information Operations Center. He is the author of The Reagan Imprint.]

If you were asked to name the three most important initiatives that characterize American strategy toward the world today, what would they be? More likely than not, you would list: 1) The war on terror; 2) The goal of spreading democracy; and 3) The effort to prevent the spread of weapons of mass destruction.
Ever since the 9/11 attacks on America, these have been our principal aims. Terror networks are to be rooted out, dictators driven from power in a series of “regime changes,” and nuclear proliferators dissuaded, or perhaps even confronted militarily.
So far, so clear, it seems. But what if I asked you a second question: When did these ideas first emerge? You might respond by saying that we got serious about a war on terror right after 9/11, about regime change with our invasion of Iraq in 2003, and about stopping rogue proliferators during our current confrontations with Iran and North Korea.

These plausible answers to the second question are all wrong. It turns out that Ronald Reagan began advancing important ideas about combating terror, spreading democracy, and making the world “less nuclear” almost 25 years ago. Yes, the president who was generally caricatured as an intellectual lightweight turns out to have been driven by ideas. Often very good ones, in my opinion. So good that they still drive our overall policy direction toward the world.

I’m not saying that Reagan “ran the table” in each of these areas — but he came pretty close. His greatest success was in using what he called an “information strategy” to encourage oppressed peoples to keep striving for their freedom. We remember him best standing there in Berlin, saying “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!”

Well, many peoples were freed during his time in office, or shortly after. When he entered office there were about two dozen communist countries in the world. Soon after he left in 1989, the number was cut in half. By Christmas of 1991 it was down to four. When he entered office, Latin America was mostly run by dictators. By 1989 it was much freer. Today it is entirely democratic, save for Cuba (although Hugu Chavez in Venezuela seems to have gotten in touch with his “inner dictator” lately).
And the pattern begun by the Reagan Doctrine persisted around the world. Bill Clinton helped a lot by putting what he called “democratic enlargement” front and center in his foreign policy. But in recent years, we have been more willing to live with some dictators, like General Pervez Musharraf in Pakistan, because of his support for our war on terror.

As to this war, it too has roots in the Reagan years. In 1984, Reagan’s secretary of state George Shultz called a meeting of terrorism experts on a cool Saturday in Washington. By the end of the day, the group had convinced him that terrorism was becoming a grave threat, and that only an aggressive campaign to stamp it out would work.

Reagan eagerly accepted the group’s recommendations, and a week later signed a (still classified) directive authorizing a covert war on terror to be launched. But here the story takes a confusing turn. Caspar Weinberger, the secretary of defense, opposed the idea of using hit squads, deceptions, and other tricky tactics against the terrorists. Instead, he wanted to use conventional military force, but only when it could be justified by good intelligence.

President Reagan was torn between Shultz and Weinberger, and in this case acted more like a politician than a strategist. He opted to take a little bit from each of their plans. The results were an ineffective air raid on Tripoli in 1986 and a much more successful deception operation against the Abu Nidal Organization — the al-Qaeda of the time.

Still, the internecine fight between his trusted advisers — what William Safire called a battle for Reagan’s “strategic soul” — raged on, and hampered efforts to move decisively in pursuit of either initiative. The result was that neither achieved telling results, and terror networks, which could have been snuffed out 20 years ago, were allowed to metastasize.

In the area of nonproliferation, Reagan was far more successful once again. Largely in terms of ending the arms race with the Russians — a development for which Mikhail Gorbachev shares much of the credit. Even so, Reagan’s fierce opposition to nuclear weapons helped create what Jonathan Schell has called a “relative golden age of arms control.”

However, Reagan’s focus on reducing the Soviet nuclear arsenal led to a neglect of proliferation by Pakistan (ah, Pakistan again!). In this instance, Pakistan was supporting the mujahideen who were resisting the Russian occupation of Afghanistan, so Reagan didn’t apply enough pressure to prevent them from pursuing their own nuclear weapons capacity.

On balance, though, Reagan’s three major ideas about how America should engage the world generated great results. Both during his presidency, and in all the years since then. For those who think that democracies have a hard time following a consistent foreign policy over the years, just look at how these three ideas have remained in use.

In recent years, however, it seems that we have tried to spread democracy by emphasizing military means rather than by the Great Communicator’s “information strategy.” Our efforts against terror also seem a bit too focused on Weinberger’s notion of using conventional military force. And we still seem willing to live with one or two small regional powers acquiring nuclear weapons.

Yes, it seems that Reagan’s ideas still matter very much if you want to understand American foreign policy today. Both the good things that have occurred, and the problems that persist. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could actually improve on Reagan’s implementation of his ideas, instead of falling into the same ruts he did?
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