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Allan Lichtman: And the Republican Presidential Nominee is … General Petraeus?

[Mr. Lichtman is a professor of history at American University and the author of The 13 Keys to the White House.]

Why is new Republican candidate Fred Thompson doing so well in the polls despite a remarkably sub par performance on the campaign trail? The simple reason is that he is a vote for “none of the above.”

Republicans usually have had an anointed candidate to nominate for president. In recent years, the two Bush’s, Bob Dole, and Ronald Reagan were the clear favorites from start to finish. This year, however, there is no heir apparent to the Republican throne.

Beyond Thompson, the three other leading Republican candidates in the field all have fatal flaws that will likely sink their presidential hopes. Rudy Giuliani is too liberal on social issues and his personal life is a mess. Many Christian conservatives will balk at voting for Mitt Romney because of his religion. His record as governor of Massachusetts is also suspect for conservatives despite his desperate lurch to the Right. Conservatives have never liked John McCain and he is but a shadow of his former self on the campaign trail.

Thus Republican conservatives, who dominate primary voting, are desperately seeking a candidate. Right now, Thompson seems to be their best choice. But he too is a flawed candidate who likely cannot be nominated. He lacks energy, focus, and punch. He looks tired and distracted. His message is nothing more than a string of platitudes. It’s not clear that he has the fire in the belly to be president.

For the first time in more than fifty years, there is real chance that the Republicans will not have selected a nominee at convention time – which comes late this time, on September 1. If so, party leaders will be looking for an alternative to the flawed crew of declared candidates.

The Republicans’ obvious choice is General David H. Petraeus. With the Keys to the White House pointing to a Republican defeat, it is in the interest of the GOP to act unconventionally and shake up the presidential race. General Petraeus is their best bet to achieve this goal.

The administration has built up Petraeus to almost godlike status. He is almost universally known, well spoken, and has no political record for opponents to attack. MoveOn.org hates him, which is a big plus for most Republicans. Bush operatives have groomed him as a potential dark horse nominee, knowing full well the problems with the current field of candidates. Even Democrats in Congress fawned over the general when he testified on the surge in Iraq last month.

If this scenario sounds improbable, think again. Until recently it was commonplace for the Republican Party to nominate military men. They nominated General Dwight Eisenhower in 1952 and Theodore Roosevelt, the hero of the Spanish-American war, in 1904. William Howard Taft, the 1908 and 1912 nominee, was not a military commander but had served as Roosevelt’s Secretary of War. In the nineteenth century the Republicans nominated generals Ulysses S. Grant, Rutherford B. Hayes, Benjamin Harrison, James Garfield, and William McKinley. Grant, Eisenhower, and Taft had not run for office before.

In 1948, the Republican Party flirted with the nomination of General Douglas MacArthur. But the imperious war hero lacked the common touch. General Petraeus, however, does not suffer from MacArthur’s megalomania.

The Republicans are looking for a savior in 2008. They haven’t found him yet. Don’t be surprised if they return to party tradition and nominate General Petraeus.

Read entire article at Britannica Blog