AHA's Arnita Jones is set to retire next year
AHA: Applications Are Invited for the Position of Executive Director
The American Historical Association invites applications for the post of executive director, the Association’s chief executive position, responsible to the elected AHA Council. The American Historical Association is a nonprofit membership organization founded in 1884 and incorporated by the United States Congress in 1889 for the promotion of historical studies and the dissemination of historical research. It is the oldest and largest professional historical organization in the United States, bringing together nearly 5,000 institutions, 118 affiliated societies and more than 14,000 individuals, including college and university faculty, public historians, independent scholars, archivists, librarians, and secondary school teachers.
The executive director assists the Council in forming policy, oversees the work of all AHA divisions and committees, coordinates the Association’s collaboration with its affiliates and with other professional organizations, engages in advocacy for history and the humanities in conjunction with other professional organizations and works with Council to represent history before the general public. Day-to-day responsibilities include management of a substantial budget and an office with more than 20 employees. A PhD and/or experience as a historian are desirable, together with substantial experience in administering a complex organization. Fundraising experience and a willingness to engage in development efforts is desirable but not required.
The Council anticipates making an appointment for a term of five years, beginning September 1, 2010, renewable upon review. Salary, with full benefits, is competitive, consistent with qualifications. A detailed job description and other information are available upon request. Applicants should submit a c.v., a statement of their approach to the position and its challenges for the coming five years, and names (with titles and addresses) of three referees by October 15, 2009, to ahasearch@gmail.com.