AHA policy change restores press freedoms
The Council's action restores the more liberal policy in effect prior to the 2009 conference. HNN had vigorously objected to the new restrictions, which hampered coverage of the annual meeting. HNN Editor Rick Shenkman protested at the 2009 Business Meeting that the requirement of obtaining written permission prior to the conference was inconsistent with the AHA's own vigorous defense of the First Amendment in numerous cases.
Mr. Shenkman noted that the television mainstream media would be far less likely to cover the planned panels on gay and labor history at the upcoming San Diego conference if advance permission were required for filming. The panels were specifically authorized by the Council after gays and labor representatives objected to the staging of the conference at the San Diego Manchester Grand Hyatt. The hotel's local owner helped fund the California proposition rolling back gay rights (Prop 8). He has also been accused of imposing onerous conditions on service employees. Gay and labor groups have backed a boycott of the hotel. This summer the AHA responded to critics upset with the organization's decision not to honor the hotel boycott.
Below is a copy of the AHA's new press policy.
The AHA does not allow audio or video recording of sessions or events without written permission from each participant on a session or event. Permission must be obtained prior to recording, not after the fact.
Journalists will need to obtain approval and signatures from panel members, using the Association’s “Permission to Record Session” form. This permission can be obtained on-site, immediately prior to the session, but we encourage journalists to obtain this permission earlier. Original signed copies of the permission forms must be dropped off at the AHA headquarters office before the conclusion of the Annual Meeting (no later than 12 noon on Sunday).
AHA staff cannot release room numbers, hotel information, and/or cell phone numbers for participants in the meeting or officers of the American Historical Association. Journalists should therefore leave ample time to contact participants before the scheduled start of the session.
Phone/E-mail/Mailing Address
Permission to Record Session
It is the policy of the American Historical Association that your presentation cannot be filmed or disseminated without your permission. If you are amenable to having your presentation recorded (audio and/or video), we ask that you indicate your approval by signing below. This agreement does not address your intellectual property rights to the materials presented in any way, but it does grant the individual or organization recording the event a perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free right to record and distribute your presentation in electronic or other media formats. The requesting organization listed below bears responsibility to obtain your approval and to provide the original signed copy of this from to the AHA headquarters office before the conclusion of the Annual Meeting (no later than 12 noon on Sunday).
Requesting Organization
Grant of Permission from:
Chair: ___________________________ ___________________________
Signature Date
Presenter: ___________________________ ___________________________
Signature Date
Presenter: ___________________________ ___________________________
Signature Date
Presenter: ___________________________ ___________________________
Signature Date
Presenter: ___________________________ ___________________________
Signature Date
Comment: ___________________________ ___________________________
Signature Date