Fox News looks at 'historical' perspective of white house attacks [video 2 minutes, 52 seconds]
[Automatically Generated Transcript (may not be 100% accurate) from video also contained on the above link]
"We've been telling you the last few days about the White House attacks on Fox News the insurance industry and the US chamber of commerce. Today some historical perspective on the subject of administration aggression. From a man with first hand experience. Correspondent James Rosen explains."...
... " Against its perceived opponents the Obama White House is unmistakably ratcheted up its rhetoric. Part of a plan some -- calculated to neuter and marginalize the president's critics today it -- senator Lamar Alexander Republican of Tennessee and one of the last Nixon White House officials still active in public life to the Senate floor where he issued a warning to mr. Obama not to create his own enemies list."
" Is a veteran of the Nixon White House can -- we've been down this road before and it won't end well. Enemies list only denigrates the presidency. And the republic itself."...
Read entire article at Fox News
"We've been telling you the last few days about the White House attacks on Fox News the insurance industry and the US chamber of commerce. Today some historical perspective on the subject of administration aggression. From a man with first hand experience. Correspondent James Rosen explains."...
... " Against its perceived opponents the Obama White House is unmistakably ratcheted up its rhetoric. Part of a plan some -- calculated to neuter and marginalize the president's critics today it -- senator Lamar Alexander Republican of Tennessee and one of the last Nixon White House officials still active in public life to the Senate floor where he issued a warning to mr. Obama not to create his own enemies list."
" Is a veteran of the Nixon White House can -- we've been down this road before and it won't end well. Enemies list only denigrates the presidency. And the republic itself."...