Roy Rosenzweig Fellowship Endowment Still Needs Support
The award was developed by friends and colleagues of Roy Rosenzweig to honor his life and work as a pioneer in the field of digital history. But in order to assure this award remains on a firm financial footing into the future, we need your assistance.
The George Mason University Foundation, Inc. manages the funds for the Rosenzweig Prize. Contributions may be tax deductible to the full extent allowable by the law.
Gifts for the AHA/CHNM Rosenzweig Prize may be mailed to:
GMU Foundation, Inc.
4400 University Drive, MS 1A3
Fairfax, VA 22030
Checks should be made payable to the GMU Foundation, Inc. and indicate that the gift is for the AHA/CHNM Rosenzweig Prize. Gifts may also be made online at, but funds must be specified for the AHA/CHNM Rosenzweig Prize in the comments section.
For questions or information on alternate methods of giving, individuals should contact: Amy Lambrecht, Director of Development, Phone: (703) 993-8706, e-mail:
Contributions may also count toward the center’s National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) matching grant in accordance with NEH guidelines.