Political experts say killing of bin Laden was 'mission accomplished'
JOLIET — The death of Osama bin Laden on Sunday is a psychological victory for a country weary of war, said Joe Gaziano, chairman of the political science department at Lewis University in Romeoville.
“It’s part of the mission,” he said. “It’s mission accomplished — we got bin Laden.”
David Veenstra, an assistant professor of history at University of St. Francis in Joliet, said he hopes bin Laden’s death combined with ongoing revolutions in the Middle East show the people of those countries that there are options besides terrorism.
He said he’s amazed by what he sees unfolding in front of his eyes these past few months.
“It feels very much like the fall of Communism. These are things I did not imagine.”
Both professors spoke to The Herald-News on Monday to give their take on a post-bin Laden world....