'Semi-happy' in your marriage? Historian’s new poll on the extreme lengths couples go to re-ignite the spark
A new study shows as many as 65 per cent of marriages end in divorce - because couples found wedded life just mediocre.
But according to historian Pamela Haag, that doesn't mean you can't make your stomach flip for your spouse once again - with an open mind.
Haag's new book Marriage Confidential: The Post-Romantic Age of Workhorse Wives, Royal Children, Undersexed Spouses, & Rebel Couples, examines controversial New Age ways couples are coping with lulls.
Haag, a 45-year-old married mother-of-one, polled almost 2,000 people for the study, and even openly created online dating identities and personal ads with her husband for the book.
Her findings reveal a new dictionary of terms for spouses caught in limbo in what she calls the 'Post-romantic era' - a term she uses to refer to 'all of the ways that marriage has changed since the romantic heyday of the last 50 years'....