Free Access to Online Job Ads on AHA website from September 1
On September 1, 2011, the AHA opened up access to the history job advertisements posted on its web site to everyone. Until recently, the web pages where the AHA posted these ads could be accessed only by AHA members. Now nonmembers also can have full access to the ads after a simple registration process. Coming at a time when searching for history jobs has become increasingly difficult because of a shrinking job market, opening access should prove helpful to all historians.
The American Historical Association has been listing job ads in various print and digital media for over 40 years (we published the first Employment Information Bulletin in December 1971, and later incorporated this separate publication into the newsletter). Over the course of time the AHA became a trusted and preferred source to find job listings in the history field, especially because the ads were published only after editing to ensure, among other things, that they conformed to the employment guidelines that the AHA recommends to employers.
While the vast majority of the job ads are published in print each month in Perspectives on History, the most up-to-date listings, including a few that were slated to be “online only” ads, could be found online. But until now access to these online ads was available only to AHA members.
Accessing the online job ads will now be simple. For members, not much will change. If you are a member, you will continue to use your member ID to log in and find a link for the job ads on the Member Services landing page. Nonmembers will simply be required to create a free user account (you can create an account today at Once you have that account you will just need to log in to see the link to the job ads. If you are not a member, you will not see links to all the other online member benefits, such as access to the online Directory, Scholar Saver, and Choice.
Members and nonmembers can now search for jobs by category, title, institution, location, or rank. The list is updated every Friday, so make sure you check back for any new listings. We understand that the process of finding a job is not a simple one. The job ads at are important tools that we hope will make the process run smoother for you.