Caro's new book gets rave review
Maybe I’m showing my age. Maybe I’m showing the effects of too many years covering politicians.
But these days, I’m deep into the fourth volume of an ongoing series of books on the 36th president, a man who died back in 1973.
The really scary thing: I’m relishing every minute of it.
Robert Caro’s new book on LBJ — “The Passage of Power” — shares a trait with the first three. It is simply a stunning achievement. Enduringly fascinating, probing and popping with surprising insights, the book is a breeze of a read.
That Caro is a dogged reporter helps. So does his ability to spin a magnificent tale.
And he’s got a whale of a character to chronicle. As he does in the first three books, LBJ comes off as brilliant and petty, shortsighted and farsighted, a scoundrel and a saint....