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Week of October 8, 2012

Historian's Take: The Vice-Presidential Debate

Joe Biden: Barack Obama's Hatchet Man
Gil Troy

He put the "vice" in vice president last night -- an undignified performance from a man holding the second-highest office in the land.

Three Reactions to Last Night's Debate
Daniel Pipes

The Mideast dominated foreign policy, Biden came off as a jerk, and neither candidates talked much about principles.

Biden Nailed It
Bernard Weisberger

He had a refreshing rough-and-tumble edge that harkens back to Lincoln-Douglas.

Did Either Ryan or Biden Manage to Rally Women Voters?
Ruth Rosen

Women are the key to the election, but neither candidate made effective appeals.

Your Take


Obama's Other Debate Failure: No Narrative
Ira Chernus's MythicAmerica

At least Teddy could string together a story about the middle class in America.

How the Democrats Can Win on Taxes
Steve Hochstadt

The math on Mitt's tax plan just doesn't add up.

News at Home

Why Obama Lost the First Debate
Robert Brent Toplin

And how he can win the next one, with acting tips courtesy of the Gipper.

Barack's Lost Idealism
Jim Sleeper

He's stopped speaking the truth because what he has seen of America since 2009 has broken his heart

Hey Mitt, When Are You Going to Apologize to My Parents?
Ron Briley

They were part of the "47 percent," but they were the hardest-working people I've ever known.

Affirmative Action's Unlikely Allies
Matthew Johnson

How corporations and the military stopped Reagan from abolishing affirmative action.

Historian's Take: The First Debate

Contributions from Ira Chernus, Lewis Gould, K.C. Johnson, Leo Ribuffo, Ruth Rosen, Gil Troy, and Bernard Weisberger.

News Abroad

Overwrought Empire
Tom Engelhardt

U.S. military power is more ubiquitous than ever ... and don't expect the next administration to change things.

Post-Mortem on the Muhammad Protests
Daniel Pipes

The video really did matter.

A Policy Lesson from Reagan for Obama and Romney
William Lambers

The candidates should vow to complete the disarmament efforts begun by Reagan in Reykjavik

Historians & History

Eric Hobsbawn's Brilliance ... And His Blindspot
Kelsey McKernie

Unlike Eugene Genovese, Hobsbawm remained an unrepentant Marxist to the very end.

Why Aren't We More Worried About Pandemics?
Jonathan Gifford

New breakthroughs in neuroscience illustrate why humans remain optimistic in the face of potential catastrophe.

Google Questions

Did Lincoln Own Slaves?
Mariana Villa

No, of course not, but a surprising number of Google searches are about this.

Is Elvis Alive?
Kristopher Wood

No, he's not. Drugs and peanut butter and bacon sandwiches killed him.

Did Hitler Escape from Berlin?
Mariana Villa

Even though the Soviets found his charred body, this ridiculous conspiracy theory just won't go away.

Culture Watch

The Innocence Project Hits the Stage
Bruce Chadwick

The Exonerated is a relentless, scalding indictment of the U.S. justice system.


Review of Julie Levinson's The American Success Myth on Film
Jim Cullen
A well-done treatise on our notions of success and failure on the silver screen that deserves a wider audience.

Review of Steve Hochstadt's Exodus to Shanghai: Stories of Escape from the Third Reich
Murray Polner
Shanghai had one of the most vibrant and diverse Jewish communities in the world during World War II, thanks to refugees from Hitler's Europe.