UVa's Miller Center announces fellows for 2013-2014
The University of Virginia’s Miller Center has named nine promising young scholars as 2013–14 Miller Center national fellows. Each fellow will receive a one-year $22,000 grant to support research and writing as they complete dissertations on the history of U.S. politics, foreign policy, and global politics. Each fellow will also be guided by a “dream mentor,” a leading scholar in their field, and take part in workshops to learn how to reach a broader audience with their scholarship.
The 2013–14 Miller Center fellows are:
Laura Blessing, Politics, University of Virginia
“The New Politics of Taxation: The Republican Party and Anti-Tax Positions”
Sean Beienburg, Politics, Princeton University
“Constitutional Resistance in the States, 1880–2010”
Rebecca Brubaker, International Politics, University of Oxford
“From the Un-Mixing to the Re-Mixing of Peoples: Understanding U.S.-Led Support for Minority Returns Following the Ethnic Conflict in Bosnia”
Brent Cebul, History, University of Virginia
“The Rise of Antigovernment Governance: Economic Development and Local Business Mobilization, 1938–1994”
Adam Liff, Politics, Princeton University
“Shadowing the Hegemon? National Identity, Global Norms, and the Military Trajectories of Rising Powers”
Douglas O’Reagan, History of Science, University of California, Berkeley
“Science, Technology and Diplomacy: American, British, and French Efforts to Extract German Science and Technology During and Following the Second World War”
O’Reagan is the Ambrose Monell Foundation-funded Fellow.
Jose Ramos, History, University of Chicago
“The Other Revolution: Politics, Culture, and the Transformation of U.S.-Mexican Relations after the Mexican Revolution, 1919–1930”
Kelly Richter, History, Stanford University
“Uneasy Border State: The Politics and Public Policy of Latino Illegal Immigration in Metropolitan California”
Richter is an immigration policy fellow funded by John and Rosemary Galbraith.
Anthony Ross, History, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
“ ‘The Ownership Society’: Mortgage Securitization and the Metropolitan Landscape Since the 1960s”
"The strength of this year's applicant pool, and the impressive accomplishments of the incoming fellowship class reflects the Miller Center national fellowship's reputation as a premiere program for young scholars working in American politics, public policy, foreign relations, and media studies, understood from an historical perspective” said Brian Balogh, chair of the Miller Center’s national fellowship program. “The 2013-14 fellows now join a powerful intellectual network formed by the117 fellowship alumniand their ‘dream mentors,’ who are leading the movement in top academic programs to connect scholarly research and policy discourse. With the support, training, and resources of the Miller Center behind them, we eagerly await the successes of this year's fellowship class."
On May 9 and 10, the current Miller Center fellows will conclude their year at the spring fellowship conference. The conference, which is open to the public, will include presentations by the fellows and comments by their “dream mentors.” In addition, Princeton Professor Kevin Kruse’s manuscript, "One Nation Under God: Corporations, Christianity, and the Rise of the Religious Right," will be reviewed by a panel that includes Darren Dochuk of Washington University in St. Louis and Michael Lienesch of the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill.For more information, including a conference schedule, please visit millercenter.org/conferences/2013/fellowship2013.
Fellowship alumni currently hold tenure or tenure-track positions at major universities, such as Yale, Northwestern, Brown, and Cornell. They also work for institutions ranging from the State Department to the U.S. Air Force. Alumni have also recently published articles and op-eds in The New York Times, Newsweek, The Atlantic, The Washington Post, and Foreign Policy.