Week of July 8, 2013
Up Front
Announcing "Revolutionary Moments": A Group Blog Jack Censer, Bassam K. Haddad, and Peter K. Stearns With the world once again filled with anticipation and dread of revolution, it is reasonable to examine what our predecessors experienced. Tags: Arab Spring, Egyptian Revolution, Egypt, revolutions |
Edward Shorter: Historians Aren't Intellectually Equipped to Understand Science Robin Lindley Most historians neither know nor care about the intricacies of scientific debate. Tags: Edward Shorter, interviews, medicine, mental health |
The Nile of Democracy will Flood Egypt's Jihadists Walid Phares Egypt's coup d'état reflected the popular will. Tags: Egypt, Muslim Brotherhood, Mahmoud Morsi, Egyptian Revolution |
How Ian Fleming Masterminded the Invasion of Sicily Daniel Mandel The author tricked the Germans into thinking Sardinia, not Sicily, was the true Allied target. Tags: espionage, Ian Fleming, Sicily, World War II |
News at Home
MLK's Plan to End Gun Violence in Chicago Simon E. Balto In 1966, Dr. King challenged street gangs to end the violence and the city of Chicago to end inequality. Tags: MLK, Chicago, guns, street gangs |
America -- The Republic of Nothing? Gil Troy The U.S. is more tolerant than ever, but what does America stand for anymore? Tags: United States, Fourth of July, multiculturalism, unraveling |
Shelby Co. v. Holder . . . Josh Brown's Life During Wartime Tags: Rick Perry, Texas, secession, Voting Rights Act |
News Abroad
The Danger in Egypt is Real Juan Cole Even if the coup reflects the will of the majority, it could spark a civil war. Tags: Egypt, Egyptian Revolution, Arab Spring, Mahmoud Morsi |
The Intricacies of Egyptian Coup d'États Daniel Pipes Unlike in 1952, the most recent coup is more like Turkey's frequent military putsches. Tags: Egypt, Egyptian Revolution, Mahmoud Morsi, coups |
Still Preparing for Nuclear War Lawrence S. Wittner The U.S. government is stuck in the policies of the 1940s when it comes to nuclear weapons. Tags: nuclear weapons, Cold War, nuclear policy, Barack Obama |
Writing About the Military Will Screw with Your Life Nick Turse The old Pentagon runaround. Tags: U.S. Army, journalism, war on terror |
Historians & History
OAH Committee on Status of LGBTQ Historians and Histories Issues Statement on DOMA Ruling "[We recognize] that the Supreme Court's decisions do not change the fact that thirty-seven states do not recognize same-sex marriages." Tags: OAH Committee on Status of LGBTQ Historians and Histories, LGBT history, LGBT historians, OAH |
Culture Watch
Moving New Play on the Rosenbergs and 1950s Atomic Secrets Bruce Chadwick Ethel Sings shines a light on the (possibly) innocent victim of the Rosenberg case. Tags: Cold War, espionage, KGB, Rosenberg case |
Review of Allen C. Guelzo's Gettysburg: The Last Invasion Jim Cullen Guelzo delivers the goods. Tags: Allen Guelzo, Civil War, Gettysburg, books |