With support from the University of Richmond

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Alain Ruscio: French historian says "I am also a child of Uncle Ho"

Though having come to Viet Nam times and again, Alain Ruscio has never ceased his wish of further exploring the country of "Uncle Ho" - the beloved name that all Vietnamese address to late President Ho Chi Minh.

On the 60th National Day of Viet Nam (Sept. 2), the French historian once again arrived in Ha Noi as a guest of the Viet Nam Union of Friendship Organisation for the "Meeting with international friends for solidarity, friendship, and cooperation with Viet Nam".

Ruscio supported Viet Nam in the 1960s when he joined his friends in demonstrations against the US-waged war in Viet Nam. "We were so happy upon learning that your country was completely liberated on April 30, 1975," the French historian recalled with strong feeling.

He first arrived in Viet Nam in 1978 as a resident L'Humanite correspondent. What impressed Ruscio most during his three-year term of office in Viet Nam was the extreme hardship endured by the Vietnamese people. "The war has passed but the local people still have to struggle with hunger and poverty," the L'Humanite correspondent noted.

He said he has followed developments in Viet Nam with keen interest, including the launching of the renewal process in 1986 and the lifting of the US embargo against the country.

Read entire article at World Peace Herald