House Appropriations Panel Provides Only $3 Million for NHPRC in FY ’14
On July 17, the House Appropriations Committee cleared a Financial Services and General Government (FS&GG) fiscal year (FY) 2014 spending bill that provides only $3 million for the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC). This represents a $1.75 million cut from the current year’s funding level of $4.75 million.
The House FS&GG subcommittee’s bill had provided zero funding for the NHPRC. However, thanks to the efforts of Representative David Price (D-NC), the full Committee adopted his amendment to provide $3 million for the NHPRC and prevent elimination of the Commission.
The amendment was approved by voice vote. The bill itself passed by a party-line vote of 27-21.
While $3 million is the same amount requested by the Obama administration it will not support the ongoing programs and mission of the Commission at even a minimal level.
On July 23, the Senate Appropriations’ FS&GG Subcommittee will mark up its version of the
FY ’14 spending bill. The draft bill has not yet been released so there is no indication as to what, if any, funding the NHPRC will receive.
It is vitally important that you contact the members of the Senate Appropriations Committee TODAY and ask them to provide the NHPRC with $4.75 million (level funding) for FY ’14. (Click here to be transferred to the legislative alert on this bill).