With support from the University of Richmond

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Senate Appropriations Subcommittee Restores Sequester Cuts to NHPRC for FY 14

The Senate Financial Services & General Government Subcommittee today passed a FY 14 funding bill that provides $5 million for the National Historical Publications & Records Commission (NHPRC). NCH had asked for level funding of $4.75 million. However the subcommittee went beyond that amount for FY 14 and restored the $250,000 cut under the sequester in FY 13.

The full Appropriations Committee is expected to adopt this funding level when it marks up the bill on July 25.

Last week, the House Appropriations Committee rejected zeroing out the NHPRC and adopted an amendment that restored $3 million for FY 14.

Thank you to everyone who sent alerts or called their Senators! It obviously made a huge difference!

Read entire article at National Coalition for History