How Barack Obama joined the quartet of 'tyrants’ on Mount Rushmore
Perspective is the thing we have least of in our politics. And as the USA celebrates Presidents' Day, it is tempting to lament the lack of respect given to the Oval Office these days - especially its current occupant.
Barack Obama has been subjected what seems like an unusual amount of paranoid projection from high places during his five years in office. In addition to the daily drumbeat from Right-wing talk radio, websites and television, by the end of the 2012 election, no less than 89 books had been published with little purpose other that to propagate a monstrous image of the incumbent.
Among their titles: The Great Destroyer: Barack Obama's War on the Republic; Trickle Down Tyranny; To Save America: Stopping Obama's Secular Socialist Machine; and The Blueprint: Obama's Plan to Subvert the Constitution and Build an Imperial Presidency. These themes are often eagerly carried forward by conservatives in Congress trying to play to the base. For example, during the State of the Union address in January, Representative Randy Weber tweeted that the president was a "socialist dictator" and Senator Ted Cruz summed up his Wall Street Journal article with this tweet: "In the nation's history, there is simply no precedent for an American president so wantonly ignoring federal law."...