With support from the University of Richmond

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How the sands of time have almost swallowed a German ghost town in the Namibian desert

“I always liked abandoned buildings; it's like they’re frozen in time,” says French photographer Romain Veillon. “You can see and smell what people used to do there ten, 20, 30, or even 40 years ago. There is a unique atmosphere in these places.”

As a child, Veillon explains, he enjoyed exploring the empty castle near his elementary school, and the old warehouse used by his grandparents' trucking company.

It started out as exploration, but as he got older, he wanted to capture that frozen-in-time atmosphere, to turn it into art using photography.

To be honest, it's hardly a coincidence that I contacted Veillon. 

Over the past year and half, I've clocked in on a number of stories involving once thriving communities that humanity, for whatever reason, left behind. Utterly. These are places where the past can be heard, seen and felt among the ruins....

Read entire article at Public Radio International