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Sergeant Missing Since 1964 Is Given Funeral

ARLINGTON, Va. — Nearly 50 years after Staff Sgt. Lawrence Woods of the United States Army disappeared while fighting in the Vietnam War, a funeral service was held for him at Arlington National Cemetery.

Sergeant Woods and an Air Force and Army crew were on a plane that was shot down over Vietnam on Oct. 24, 1964, during a resupply mission. Capt. Valmore W. Bourque, First Lt. Edward J. Krukowiski, First Lt. Robert G. Armstrong, Staff Sgt. Ernest J. Halvorson, Staff Sgt. Theodore B. Phillips, Airman First Class Eugene Richardson and Pfc. Charles P. Sparks were killed, and their remains recovered by United States forces in 1964, according to the Department of Defense. But Sergeant Woods remained missing.

“We know that he was part of the crew that crashed,” said Lt. Col. Melinda Morgan, spokeswoman for the Defense POW/Missing Personnel Office, “but his individual remains were never identified.”...

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