The most interesting tidbits from the Clinton document dump
The National Archives posted the biggest batch of previously unseen documents from President Bill Clinton's White House years Friday, the fourth installment of its every-other-week deluge of Clinton administration e-mails, speeches and internal memos. This group includes several documents related to then-first lady Hillary Clinton's work on health care and other issues. The papers are of particular interest right now because they provide a window into Hillary Clinton's thinking and priorities as she ponders a second presidential run.
We're reading through the 7,500 or so documents to find the most interesting parts and will update as we do:
[HNN Editor: These are the subsections in this story]
- 1. Clintons needed Chelsea's future mother-in-law on health care
- 2. Clinton crime bill overshadowed by Whitewater and O.J. Simpson
- 3. Boxer or briefs?
- 4. Hastert "tool" of Republicans
- 5. Ira Magaziner held back in interview with Haynes Johnson and David Broder for their book about health-care initiative
- 6. Magaziner described delicacy of tasking Hillary Clinton with health care
- 8. Lee Iacocca "obligated" to Clinton over NAFTA push
- 9. Address Lewinsky scandal in 1999 SOTU?
- 10. Hillary positive press strategy - "doing it all"
- 11. Bill Clinton: If you like your plan you can keep it.
- 12. Gore sought a little White House love