Fareed Zakaria Appears to Have Plagiarized Entire Paragraphs in One of His Books
Related Link: Jim Sleeper, "Fareed Zakaria’s real sins: On plagiarism and the dishonesty of our self-important pundit class"
Earlier this week the site Our Bad Media posted several compelling, if not entirely clear-cut, examples of alleged plagiarism committed in work for Time, CNN, and theWashington Post by foreign policy author, frequent cable news talking head, andAtlantic contributor Fareed Zakaria. Zakaria, who admitted in 2012 to copying a New Yorker paragraph in a piece for Time, said he did not believe the cited material constituted plagiarism. CNN and Washington Post said they still stood behind Zakaria's work; Time said it would review the allegations but doesn't seem to have commented further. Today Our Bad Media's gumshoes (who go by the handles@blippoblappo and @crushingbort) posted material that, even more clearly than the material in their first post, seem to show Zakaria copying entire passages of others' work:

Courtesy of @blippoblappo and @crushingbort/Our Bad Media
The passage on the right is from Zakaria's The Post-American World 2.0 and was also published in Newsweek. The Christian Science Monitor article on the left is apparently neither mentioned by name in Zakaria's text nor cited in his endnotes.