The Council on Foreign Relations Honors Kissinger Critic
On November 4, Richard Haass, the president of the Council on Foreign Relations, hosted Henry Kissinger as the final speaker in a series of day-long panels looking at the history of the Cold War. Haass said that in having Kissinger as the final speaker, he was “saving the best for last.” He went on to deliver an encomium to Kissinger:
We've got, as you can see, Henry Kissinger. To make a very long story short, Henry is the preeminent scholar-practitioner of his era. And I would date the era essentially the post-World War II era, which is another way of saying roughly over the last seventy years, I believe that Henry combines scholarship, as well as ability to be effective in government. And when you add them up, I believe he stands apart from anyone else who has served over this three-quarters of a century.
Twenty-one days later, a jury headed by Foreign Affairs editor Gideon Rose announced that the Council was awarding the 2014 Arthur Ross prize for the best book on international relations to Princeton University professor Gary J. Bass for his book The Blood Telegram, which denounces Kissinger as a racist who connived at genocide in Pakistan. (The Council describes the jury, which included Stephen Walt and Robert Kagan, among others, as an independent one.) Kissinger, who is honorary chairman of the National Interest, and Richard Nixon, Bass says, employed a “farrago of distortions, half-truths, and outright lies about their policy toward the Bengali atrocities.” In the New York Times he added that Kissinger and Nixon “vigorously supported the killers and tormentors of a generation of Bangladeshis.” And, writing in Politico in January to defend his book from a critical review by Robert Blackwill in the National Interest, Bass asked, “Can we please stop already with the tributes to Henry Kissinger?”
If taken literally, Bass’ claims and conclusions would require the Council to abolish its Kissinger chair, which is held by Blackwill, and to decry its decades-long association with him.
The award offers the starkest sign yet of the extent to which the Council has morphed, from a redoubt of the Northeastern establishment, into a diffuse organization. In its original incarnation, the Council consisted of a few hundred leading Northeastern bankers and lawyers. It was a cloistered club but its members, whatever their shortcomings, were not parochial thinkers. They believe in public service and the national interest. Today, the Council numbers several thousand members and represents a multiplicity of views on a welter of topics...