With support from the University of Richmond

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Medieval Graveyard With More Than 1,000 Skeletons Unearthed At Cambridge University

A giant medieval graveyard containing the skeletal remains of more than a thousand people has been unearthed at the University of Cambridge in England. 

Archaeologists dug up the remains of 400 individuals, along with the fragmentary remains of what could be as many as 1,000 more individuals, the university said on its website. The burials date mostly from the 13th through the 15th centuries, when a hospital stood opposite the graveyard. 

One of Britain's biggest. Historians had been aware of the burial ground since the 1950s, the Guardian reported, though its scale was unknown.

The site represents "one of the largest medieval hospital osteoarchaeological assemblages from the British Isles," Dr. Craig Cessford of the university's department of archaeology and anthropology and the leader of the dig, wrote in a report describing the excavation.

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