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Holocaust Denier’s Sentence: Visit 5 Ex-Nazi Camps, and Write About It

A former lawmaker in Belgium convicted of Holocaust denial in 2015 was handed an unusual sentence this week: The Brussels Court of Appeal ordered him to visit one Nazi concentration camp a year for the next five years and write about his experiences, according to the former lawmaker and local news reports.

The politician, Laurent Louis, is a far-right gadfly known for making inflammatory statements about Jews. He once called former Prime Minister Elio Di Rupo, the first gay man to hold the post, a pedophile. Mr. Louis left Parliament in 2014.

Mr. Louis was given a six-month suspended jail sentence and fined over $20,000 at his 2015 trial, which centered on online statements he made that questioned the number of Jews killed in gas chambers during the Holocaust. After that sentence was changed on Wednesday, he celebrated on Facebook and apologized “to anyone who may have been hurt by my remarks.”

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