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Doris Kearns Goodwin: Promise Not Kept to Shred All New Copies of Fitzgerald Book

Boston Globe columnist Alex Beam has discovered that copies of Goodwin's tainted work, The Fitzgeralds and the Kennedys, has not been withdrawn from booksellers' shelves as had been promised:

In the midst of her troubles in 2002, Goodwin announced to The New York Times that she had asked Simon & Schuster to pulp all paperback copies of the tainted ''Fitzgeralds" book so that she could publish ''a thoroughly corrected edition this spring." But on Monday I bought a new paperback copy of ''Fitzgeralds" that had no sign of any corrections. ''We did exactly what we said we were going to do," says Simon & Schuster's Hayes. ''We did pull all our copies as promised. We weren't aware that other copy [from St. Martin's Press] was out there."

The promised corrected edition of ''Fitzgeralds" may be forthcoming after Goodwin finishes her current book tour, Hayes says.
Read entire article at Boston Globe