With support from the University of Richmond

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Kevin Murphy: Wins Marxist Award

The 2005 Deutscher Prize has been awarded to:

Revolution and Counterrevolution, Class Struggle in a Moscow Metal Factory by Kevin Murphy (published by Berghahn Books).

Every year, this prize is awarded for a book which exemplifies the best and most innovative new writing in or about the Marxist tradition. The closing date for nominations is May 1st.

There is a modest prize of £250, the winning title is announced in the press, and the author is invited to deliver the following year’s Deutscher Memorial Lecture which generally takes place towards the end of November, and which has often been subsequently published in the New Left Review or Historical Materialism.

Current members of the Deutscher Jury include Chris Arthur, Alex Callinicos, Simon Clarke, Marj Mayo, Sandy Nicoll, Alfredo Saad-Filho, Elizabeth Wilson.

Read entire article at Deutscher Prize website