With support from the University of Richmond

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Allen Weinstein: Gets support of predecessor on reclassification policy

[Mr. Carlin was appointed Archivist of the United States by Bill Clinton. He was replaced by Dr. Weinstein by President George W. Bush in 2005.]

Many individuals have asked me about the recent revelations regarding the reclassification efforts at the National Archives. Like the current Archivist, Dr. Weinstein, I first learned of a “secret” reclassification program in February from the New York Times. Because the Memorandum of Understanding was still classified, I had no idea what was being discussed in the press. I read the MOU with the Air Force for the first time when the declassified version was released on the Archives website on April 10. I was shocked by the content, particularly the language that it was in the best interest of the National Archives to keep the public in the dark. I spent most of my tenure stating that NARA is a public trust ­ this MOU undermines that trust. 
I fully support the Archivist’s quick response; including the moratorium on reclassification, his direct involvement in resolving issues with the agencies involved, and the audit by Bill Leonard and the Information Security Oversight Office. I have every confidence that the audit results and Dr. Weinstein’s other efforts will provide the transparency and improved processes needed to repair the damage done to public trust in NARA. 
Read entire article at John Carlin, in a letter posted on Archives Listserve