With support from the University of Richmond

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Sondra Hale and Nancy Gallagher: Journal of Middle East Women's Studies Moves to UCLA

As one of eight American universities offering a PhD in Women's Studies, and one of two in North America offering a PhD in Islamic Studies, UCLA is a logical place to seek fresh contributors for a journal focusing on women in a very broadly defined Middle East. Previously edited by University of Michigan Middle East studies director Marcia C. Inhorn, the two-year-old Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (JMEWS), published three times a year, is moving to a new editorial shop in the UCLA Center for the Study of Women. The first issue under the leadership of co-editors Nancy E. Gallagher, a UC–Santa Barbara historian who directs Middle Eastern studies on that campus, and Sondra Hale, a professor of women’s studies and anthropology at UCLA, will appear early in 2007. Diane James of the UCLA Center for Near Eastern Studies will serve as senior editor.

CNES hosted a conference July 10–11, 2006, to mark the arrival of JMEWS on campus, with help from CSW and UCSB and with Hale and Gallagher as organizers of panels. Published by Indiana University Press, JMEWS is the official publication of the international Association of Middle East Women’s Studies (AMEWS). The journal has secured four years of funding from the UCLA Office of the Dean of Social Sciences.

Read entire article at Kevin Matthews in the UCLA International Institute