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Bruce Craig: Announces he's leaving National Coalition for History (NCH)

Dear NCH Policy Board, All Member Organizations, and Friends of the NCH:

During the meeting of the National Coalition for History (NCH) Policy Board this morning, I announced that effective 1 January 2007, I will be resigning as Executive Director of the history coalition as my wife Patricia and I will be permanently moving to Prince Edward Island, Canada.

As many of you know, we have a summer home near East Point, PEI (actually, Northlake Harbor --"the tuna capitol of the world") where we operate a seasonal bed and breakfast www.harbourlightshouse.com ) and artists/writer's retreat. For a couple of years I have also been teaching at the University of Prince Edward Island during one of their two short summer sessions. This last year Patricia and I were given the unique opportunity to apply for status under a new immigration program, and we recently learned that the provincial government of PEI approved our applications and has advanced our names to Immigration Canada as"Provincial Nominees." While this is a streamlined immigration process and we have yet a few hurdles to overcome (police clearances, and health examinations), if all goes well, we expect to receive"permanent residence" status early next year.

While I had every intention of remaining as Executive Director of the NCH for a couple more years before retiring to the Far North, given the limited window of opportunity provided to us to immigrate (and given the substantial benefits to be gleaned with Canadian residency and citizenship), we felt it best not to let this opportunity pass us by.

As for my plans, after my departure from the NCH, I will be teaching at the University of Prince Edward Island (UPEI) where I will also be assisting the history department to establish a unique public history program that the departmental faculty recently embraced. In this vein, two weeks ago, I met with the university president who is committed to launching the new undergraduate public history program and finding the funds for what will come to be known as the"Atlantic Center for Public Historical Studies." Also, as many of you know, I have long wanted to write the definitive biography of accused spy Alger Hiss -- this move will help make it possible for me to devote substantial time to that still unfinished book project.

It has been a privilege to serve as your executive director for the last -- yes count 'um -- nearly seven years! And my how time has flown by. While there will be a time for more formal farewells, I wanted to let you know about this development and take this opportunity to thank you all for your support and assistance during my term of service to the NCH.

R. Bruce Craig
Executive Director