Electing Presidents
Presidents: What Made Them Great (Or Not So Great)
Presidency: Why Are Great Men Not Chosen President? by Lord Bryce
Presidency: How Do Historians Evaluate the Administration of Abraham Lincoln? by Matthew Pinsker
Presidency: How Do Historians Evaluate the Administration of Harry Truman? by Alonzo Hamby
Presidency: How Do Historians Evaluate the Administration of Jimmy Carter? by Stephen Hess
Presidency: How Do Historians Evaluate the Administrations of TR and JFK? by Bruce Miroff
Presidency: How Do Historians Assess Ronald Reagan? by Chester Pach
Presidency: How Do Historians Evaluate the Administration of Dwight Eisenhower? by Fred Greenstein
Presidency: What It Takes to Be President (Eisenhower case study) by Rick Shenkman
Presidency: How do Historians Evaluate the Administration of John Kennedy? by Thomas Reeves
Presidency: How Do Historians Evaluate the Administration of Lyndon Johnson? by Robert Dallek
Presidency: How Do Historians Evaluate the Administration of Richard Nixon? by Mel Small
Presidency: Why I Think History Will Be Kind to Nixon by Walter A. McDougall