With support from the University of Richmond

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Douglas Brinkley: To appear at Katrina fundraiser to revive New Orleans culture

On 18 September 2006, a fund raiser concert for the culture of New Orleans will take place in Dixon Hall, at Tulane University. The concert features Irvin Mayfield and members of the New Orleans Jazz Orchestra. Jazz legend Wynton Marsalis co-chairs the event along with concert host Jude Law, and historian Douglas Brinkley, who will speak before the concert. The concert will raise $1 million for the new National Jazz Center, and also to establish the "Music for Tomorrow" non-profit organization, which will focus on providing grants to musicians in New Orleans and beyond.

For more information about this momentous occasion, please visit the following weblink. Donate today—lend a hand to save our save heritage:

Read entire article at Press Release -- musicfortomorrow.org