With support from the University of Richmond

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Donald M. Goldstein: WWII gift worth 'a billion in knowledge'

A $1 million gift by a University of Pittsburgh professor, including his private collection on World War II, helped the school raise $1 billion and establish it as a leading source of information on the Good War.
The collection of military historian Donald M. Goldstein was appraised in February at $890,000, and he kicked in $110,000 to raise his gift to $1 million. But he told Pitt's board of trustees Friday, "It may be a billion dollars in terms of knowledge."

His archives contain about 4,400 books, 13,000 original photographs of such people as Adolf Hitler and Amelia Earhart, 300 films and videotapes, and transcripts of 200 interviews with Japanese and American participants in the attack on Pearl Harbor.

One of the most important items is the map of Pearl Harbor used to brief Japanese Emperor Hirohito, proving he knew in advance of the attack.
Read entire article at Pittsburgh Tribune-Review