With support from the University of Richmond

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Larry Levine: Memorial Service Planned for December

Larry Levine's death is keenly felt by so many. A group of GMU colleagues have scheduled an East Coast memorial service for Larry, to take place from 4:30-6:30, Saturday, December 16th, in the Atrium of Hazel Hall at the Arlington campus of George Mason University,
3301 Fairfax Drive, Arlington, VA. A reception will follow. The service is open to all; Cornelia Levine and possibly other members of the Levine family will attend.

We have set up a website with more information, including directions. The site includes a page where we encourage people to submit their own recollections of Larry, since the number of speakers at the event will necessarily be limited. The website is at:


We hope to see you in December, but if you cannot attend please consider adding your thoughts to the website.

The Organization of American Historians has voted to create an annual Lawrence W. Levine Prize for the best book in cultural history. We hope that you will consider contributing to the $50,000 prize endowment fund to make that possible. Checks can be made out to "OAH Prize Fund" with "Levine Award" on the memo line, and mailed to Roy Rosenzweig or Mike O'Malley, Department of History and Art History, MS 3G1, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA 22030.

Dina Copelman, Jack Censer, Marion Deshmukh, Deborah Kaplan, Mike O'Malley, Martin Sherwin, Roy Rosenzweig
George Mason University