With support from the University of Richmond

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Historians win National Humanities Medal

Recipients of the National Humanities Medal this morning in the Oval Office at the White House include: Fouad Ajami, the Middle Eastern Studies scholar, Washington, DC; James Buchanan, an economist, Fairfax, VA; Nickolas Davatzes, president and ceo emeritus of A&E Entertainment, Wilton, CT; Robert Fagles, translator and classicist, Princeton, NJ; The Hoover Institution (John Raisian, Senior Fellow and Director of Hoover, will accept the award on its behalf), Palo Alto, CA; Mary Lefkowitz, classicist, Wellesley, MA; Bernard Lewis, Middle Eastern Studies scholar, Princeton, NJ; Mark Noll, Historian of Religion , Notre Dame, IN; Meryle Secrest, biographer, Washington, DC; Kevin Starr, historian, San Francisco, CA. Thanks to Inside Higher Ed for the tip.

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