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Attorney picked to lead National Coalition for History

The Executive Committee of the National Coalition for History is pleased to announce that an "enthusiastic and unanimous agreement" has been reached in the selection of a new Executive Director for the National Coalition for History to replace R. Bruce Craig who is moving to Canada at the end of the year. He is Leland J. White, currently Director of Government Relations for the National Society of Professional Engineers.

Mr. White is an attorney with nearly twenty years experience in government relations with membership associations, as well as several years in government as a legislative specialist. In addition to a degree in law, White earned a Master's Degree in History from George Mason University where he worked under Roy Rosenzweig.

The NCH Executive Director position was advertised widely in various history, archives, and government affairs publications. The Search Committee was comprised of the NCH Executive Board plus several others: (in alphabetical order) Nancy Beaumont, Society of American Archivists; Charlene Bickford, Association for Documentary Editors; Lee Formwalt, Organization of American Historians; James Gardner, National Council on Public History; Arnita A. Jones (Chair), American Historical Association; Martha Kumar, American Political Science Association; and Brian Martin of History Associates.

Mr. White will begin work at the NCH in early December at which time a brief transition with Bruce Craig will take place. Later in the month tentatively scheduled for 11 December there will be a public event to bid farewell to Bruce and to welcome Lee; additional details relating to that event will be forthcoming.
Read entire article at Bruce Craig in the newsletter of the National Coalition for History