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David Irving: Concern over Muslim leader's support for Irving

The British Jewish community has expressed its concern after it was revealed that a leader of a controversial Muslim group sent funds and letters of support to convicted Holocaust denier David Irving.

Asghar Bukhari, a founder member of the Muslim Public Affairs Committee (MPAC), last month admitted sending the letters to Irving during the year 2000.

Irving, who has been imprisoned in Austria since September 2006 for for having denied the existence of gas chambers in National Socialist concentration camps in several lectures held in Austria in 1989.

The writer came to the public eye in 1998 after he launched a libel suit against American professor Deborah Lipstadt for comments in a book called Denying The Holocaust where Lipstadt branded Irving a Holocaust denier and an anti-Semite. Irving lost the case and was soon declared bankrupt having been forced to pay the costs of the case.
Read entire article at European Jewish Press