With support from the University of Richmond

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The Cliopatria Awards 2006

At yesterday's 4th Annual Banquet of the Cliopatricians at the American Historical Association convention here in Atlanta, the winners of The Cliopatria Awards for 2006 were announced. Many thanks to Jeremy Boggs of ClioWeb and George Mason University who designed the logo for The Cliopatria Awards. Thanks also to the judges who made the difficult decisions in selecting winners of the awards from among the many excellent nominations: Alan Allport, Martha Bridgam, Ben Brumfield, Miriam Burstein, Rebecca Goetz, Rob MacDougall, Caleb McDaniel, Nathanael Robinson, and Brandon Watson. They have done a fine job. Here, then, are the winners, short identifications of them, and brief explanations of the judge's rationale for their decisions....

[Click on the SOURCE link above to see the winners.]
Read entire article at Ralph Luker at HNN blog, Cliopatria