With support from the University of Richmond

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Iris Chang: Essay contest in her honor

To promote the awareness of the importance of remembering history. The essays will be in line with Iris Chang’s spirit and passion in seeking the truth and justice as well as defending human rights.

The Denial and Its Cost
- Reflections on Nanking Massacre 70 years ago and beyond
(Please click the title for theme statement.)

Deadline of essay submission: June 30, 2007
Announcement of awards: Early November, 2007

- Three best essays will be selected from all entries. The awards for 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize winners are $1,000, $500 and $300, respectively. In addition, several honorable mention winners will be awarded with $50 each.

(Note: The first prize is reserved for the essay of outstanding merit, and may not be awarded if no essay meets the standards set forth by the jury in any given year.)

- Iris Chang Youth Award - a special award added this year. An award of $200 each to the top three essays submitted by high school students. Only high school students whose essays are not selected for the overall top three prizes are eligible for these awards.

- All are eligible to enter the contest. Entrants shall comply with the contest rules and regulations as laid out and posted on the web by the Global Alliance/Iris Chang Memorial Fund. www.irischangmemorialfund.org

- The essay submitted must be original and previously unpublished. The language of the text must be English. The essay must be typed and less than 2,500 words. An electronic text file in Microsoft Word document or Word compatible format is strongly preferred.

[More details are provided at the SOURCE link.]
Read entire article at http://www.irischangmemorialfund.org