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Karnow, Moyar, Brigham, Berman, Rose: Vietnam inspires 5 historians on how to end the war in Iraq

Stanley A. Karnow:
Withdraw now
Karnow is a veteran Time-Life journalist who covered U.S. combat in Vietnam from 1959 and wrote "Vietnam: A History."...

Mark Moyar:
Be wary of withdrawing
Moyar is a scholar at the U.S. Marine Corps University at Quantico, Va., who wrote "Triumph Forsaken: The Vietnam War 1954-1965."...

Robert K. Brigham:
Negotiate with neighbors
Brigham is a professor of history and international relations at Vassar College and author of "Argument Without End: In Search of Answers to the Vietnam Tragedy" and "Is Iraq Another Vietnam?"...

Larry Berman:
Map an orderly departure
Berman is a political scientist at UC Davis who wrote "No Peace, No Honor: Nixon, Kissinger and Betrayal in Vietnam," "Foreign Military Intervention: The Dynamics of Protracted Conflict" and "Planning a Tragedy: The Americanization of the War in Vietnam."...

Gideon Rose:
Recognize lost public support
Rose is managing editor of Foreign Affairs magazine and a former staffer on the White House National Security Council during the Clinton presidency. He is researching a book on how U.S. wars come to an end....
Read entire article at San Francisco Chronicle