With support from the University of Richmond

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Tom Devine: Drink-drive shame of top Scottish historian

A HISTORY professor who wrote a best-selling book about Scotland was yesterday banned from the road for drink-driving.

Cops spotted Tom Devine's car swerving from lane to lane on the M8. He was doing just 40mph in a 70mph section in his Jaguar XJ8.

A court yesterday heard that Devine, 61, left, was more than twice the booze limit.

Devine is the Sir William Fraser chair of Scottish history at Edinburgh University - the top job in the field.

His book The Scottish Nation: 1700 to 2000 was Waterstones' Scottish book of the year in 1999.

Devine admitted drink-driving at Linlithgow Sheriff Court yesterday. He was driving home to Lanarkshire when he was spotted last month.
Read entire article at http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk