With support from the University of Richmond

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Anthony Wells-Cole: Solves riddle of ancient carvings on Scottish castle

The origins of intricate carvings which line the walled garden of a Scottish castle have finally been discovered, solving centuries of mystery.
The 400-year-old Edzell Castle near Brechin attracts thousands of visitors.

It was not known where the 14 carvings, depicting the Liberal arts on the south wall and Cardinal Virtues on the west wall, had come from.

But their origins have now been revealed as those of Flemish Renaissance master - Maarten de Vos.

'Eureka moment'

English historian, Anthony Wells-Cole, discovered the link to de Vos while he was carrying out work in Amsterdam.

De Vos apparently provided the inspiration to Edzell sculptor Johannes Salder.
Read entire article at BBC