With support from the University of Richmond

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Mark A. LeVine: Urges academics to boycott

Add to the list of academics criticizing DePaul University’s decision to deny tenure to Norman Finkelstein Mark A. LeVine, who posts his blog on the History News Network.

“I am especially offended at this immoral and utterly politically motivated action, which goes against the principles of intellectual honesty, courage, and integrity that I was taught were the foundations of a proper Catholic education,” LeVine says. “It is certainly a shameful stain, and a mark of cowardice, particularly compared with the brave stand of the administration of Notre Dame in its invitation to Tariq Ramadan to fill a prestigious professorship despite the similarly risible attacks on his scholarship and character by many of the same academic hacks who’ve gone after Finkelstein.”

As a result, he says, he will no longer advise any graduate student to apply to a Ph.D. program or any young faculty member to apply for a job at DePaul, nor will he attend any academic conference put on at the university.

Read entire article at Chronicle for Higher Ed